Teacher Recruitment

Recruiting Students into PETE Programs

Recruiting Students into PETE Programs

This blog aims to summarize (to the best of my ability) the recent PETE Collaborative on recruitment and retention into PETE programs. The discussion audio can be found by searching “Playing with Research in Health and Physical Education” Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or most anywhere you listen to podcasts, or by clicking here. The discussion was rich and the chat was very active during the collaborative. It is our attempt to summarize the key points in this blog.

The subjective warrant for teaching physical education and an individuals’ orientation towards teaching.

The subjective warrant for teaching physical education and an individuals’ orientation towards teaching.

Have you ever considered why you wanted to become a physical education teacher? Have you ever thought about what innovative pedagogy means to you? Do you consider yourself to be innovative? What does success look like in physical education? How do you facilitate this for all students? This blog aims to prompt you to think about your own physical education story and how it has influenced the way you teach. Are you innovative or are you custodial in your practices, and where did your own beliefs come from?

The Stringency of the Subjective Warrant: How are physical education teachers really recruited?

The Stringency of the Subjective Warrant: How are physical education teachers really recruited?

Nearly four decades of research into physical education has highlighted that the subject has resisted in moving forward. ‘Innovative’ and ‘new’ pedagogical practises from more than 30 years ago have still not become valued as the norm within physical education teaching. -By Dr. Michelle Flemons