Our Mission
We want to provide access to research in multiple engaging ways: through podcasts, blogs, webinars, and social media. Our research should have an impact on teaching and influence change.
For a summary of the research we do and links to our ResearchGate and Google Scholar profiles, scroll down. Please get in touch if we can help get you access to any of our research.
“Life’s greatest good fortune is the opportunity to work hard at work worth doing.”
Dr. Risto Marttinen
My research revolves around implementing sustainable and educational after-school physical education programs in elementary and middle schools. These programs specialize in sports and fitness in under-served communities while reinforcing character development and teaching common-core literacy skills. Additionally, I conduct research on teaching in physical education and research on the integration of academic subjects and technology into physical education.
Dr. K. Andrew R. Richards
I am interested in studying teacher socialization, which helps to inform how we recruit and prepare physical education teachers and teacher educators, along with their experiences working in schools and institutions of higher education. I also study social and emotional learning in physical activity spaces, primarily through the teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model. Along with my doctoral students, I have had the opportunity to develop and implement programs both in and outside of school settings focused on helping preservice teachers learn to use the TPSR model in practice.
Dr. Erin Centeio
Dr. Dominique Banville
SHAPE AMERICA Unlock research
SHAPE America produces a monthly article breakdown through an infographic that summarizes a research article. Click below to see free research summaries.
Where do all the posters go?
We have created a place where HPE researchers can upload their poster presentations to share after the conference.
List of journals
Considering a home for your paper? Here is a list of journals, links, & IF’s to journals in the HPE field.
Know of one not on the list? Contact us!